Sunday, 2 March 2014

Outstanding + Routines

I didn't realise it had been so long since I'd posted! I'm not good at this blogging thing. Prefer the whole 'What I think in 140 characters'!

Just prior to auld term I had my first observation from the head... I'd already had one since I started in September and received a 'Good' - ok, but since becoming an AST I was used to 'Outstanding'. Surprisingly, as the head was in for 50 minutes and the lesson she was watching was only 20ish minutes, she gave me an Outstanding overall. However, being little miss negative I couldn't help wondering whether the lesson would've been the same with my most difficult pupil being present instead of off with a tummy bug.

What was pleasing was that she observed a workbox session directly after music, watching the transition into a new lesson and seeing how I'm running them as an EYFS structure. She said it was very positive, particularly as the pupils were all engaged. I run a workbox session everyday (except Wednesdays at the moment due to swimming) and I have 4 members of staff. 2 of which run workboxes, 1 runs a maths session and 1 person floats with maths related eyfs activities (colour sorting, magnetic numbers in playdough, shape sorters etc.)

I also run Communication sessions, 2 per week (although only one at the moment due to swimming). 2 members of staff focus on running individual sessions within this based on communication IEP targets, 1 member of staff runs a literacy session and 1 floats with literacy related eyfs activities (magnetic letters in playdough, story sacks, magazines or comics, role play etc.)

My afternoon sessions cover art, DT, ICT etc. and these are run individually with free flow eyfs activities (more play based including a messy play activity). Science and RE are covered by my PPA cover teacher.

So that's my routine. We have circle time every morning on arrival and every afternoon before they leave. At the moment I feel it's working but would love more ideas for literacy/numeracy free flow activities for my communication/workbox activities. Something maths/literacy based I can throw in a black tray and allow them to float to!



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